15 desembre 2010 by rorueso
As a conclusion we could say that Nineteen Eighty-Four has had a surprisingly large impact on the English language. Many of its concepts, Big Brother, Room 101, thought police, doublethink and Newspeak, have entered common usage in describing totalitarian or overarching behaviour by authority. Doublespeak or doubletalk is a subsequent elaboration on the word doublethink that never actually appeared in the novel itself. The adjective “Orwellian” is often used to describe any real world scenario reminiscent of the novel, and also the practice of suffixing words with “-speak” and “-think” (groupthink, mediaspeak) as well as the abbreviation of “luv” for love arguably originated with the nove: However, the most important think I have learnt when writing this essay is that language is the most powerful weapon that we, the human beings posses, nor tanks neither bombs can equal the power of words. Language can be wonderful and positive or become something destructive, it just depends on the use we make of it.
‘While it is true that politicians can use any word they want, we reply that language only works when those using it agree on what the words mean, and that the meaning of the words cannot be unilaterally changed by someone without the agreement of others.’
William Lutz, Profesor de Inglés en la Universidad de Rutger Campus de Camden en New Jersey. William Lutz, Professor of English at Rutger’s University’s campus in Camden New Jersey.